work journal

Learning—and teaching—disruption with the masters at Level C

February 28, 2023

Last week, I sat in this chair and got my brain rewired again in another seriously rowdy LEVEL C course. This company (movement?) is the brainchild of Marty Neumeier, the grandfather of brand strategy and author of these books I'm clutching, together with one of my favorite mentors, the provocateur, thought-sparring partner and wonderful teacher Andy Starr.

Working with Level C has been a game changer for me over the past two years, so it was a crazy honor to shadow Andy as a potential team captain last week, helping him guide some of the great future thinkers of business and brand through this rigorous-as-hell educational odyssey.

AND we got to learn from an epic guest professor of sorts, the VP of Cult Indoctrination at Liquid Death, "Stix" aka Stephen Nilsen, on how that company upended bottled water and is fighting plastic pollution.

When it comes to disruption, Andy and Marty walk the walk. It was wild to watch Andy iterate and rebuild the machine as we went, living by his own rules, then blowing them up and rewriting them all over again.

Gratitude to all involved. We'll never be done learning how to think.

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