work journal

Reflections after a workshop marathon

May 28, 2024

After leading a marathon of workshops this past month, I'm reflecting on what I saw and learned before I launch into the next thing.

Working with individuals and teams including Gallatin Valley Land Trust (GVLT), Tallie Jamison Lancey and American Bank Montana, I witnessed subtle shifts and quantum leaps. One-step-back-and-two-steps-forward kind of growth. Colleagues begin understanding—and appreciating—each other for their differences as much as their similarities.

Our work is always evolving. If we don't pause and consider HOW it's changing, it can be hard to articulate the next move. Right now, my cutting edge of skill and focus is on facilitating conversations and insight.

Because I’ve seen that when we get our stuff out on the table, it becomes just that: stuff.

Once we're more aware of our own lenses, biases and perspectives and those of others, and, importantly, we’ve discussed them, it can help alleviate miscommunication. Of course, we're only human, and missteps happen. And with this, we have something to lean into when they do.

Photos from between workshops:

🌊 Stopped by the river on the way to Big Sky

🧗‍♀️ Setting up for a workshop and packing supplies with my daughter

🖌 Making posters, posters and more posters

🦊 A fox, found on the wall of the “facilities” at Deer Creek, as a reminder that you can create or choose to see art anywhere

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