work journal

The stories you tell matter. Here's why.

February 22, 2022

The stories you tell matter, whether you're a business leader or a reporter.

Focusing on adaptation, mitigation and resilience in the face of difficulty is one thing.

Zeroing in on problems and threats is entirely different.

Cast your eye on how people are responding to problems — what's working, what's not, and what we can learn from them — and others will see how they can contribute. You’ll see the impact on your community.

Do the latter, and you'll lose your audience, because, as Solutions Journalism Network founders Tina Rosenberg and David Bornstein told reporters around the world at a live interview with Sree Sreenivasan of Digimentors, cynicism is self-fulfilling.

"We are dealing with human beings," Bornstein said. "We need to understand the human nervous system and how people absorb information."

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